

anticsおどけ、冗談じみた行動、おふざけと言う意味です。1;43 the Donald gets roasted in the media often for his wacky antics. ドナルド・トランプ氏は自身の突拍子もない行動でいつもマスコミから吊るし上げを食らっている。

The Donald is at it again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21bm_xHhPcU  10:31 by the end of the movie though, many of us loved this kid and his antics. ホーム・アローンを見終わることには、皆大体この子役のマコーレー・カルキン君や彼のおどけた振る舞いが好きになっている。
Top 10 Acting One-Hit Wonders
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bFTRpGFqIw  0:29 the keepers couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the unusual antics of these lionesses.
The 'flying' lions of Longleat Safari Park
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKX79KuDYyY  0:28 those quirky antics won her thousands of YouTube fans.
Why These Women Can't Stop Pulling Out Their Own Hair

a-2024 antics
a-2454 antics
b-4168 antics