
line of credit 信用枠

与信枠、与信限度、、、つまりいくらまでなら貸せる、借りれるという枠(限度額範囲内)のことです。line of credit, LOC といいます。0:46 in the 1970s, when China was emerging into the market, they needed infrastructure. and they didn't have finance or the technology for the modern infrastructure they wanted. and soon they had a visit from Japan which had both the technology and the finance. so China couldn't get capital on capital markets but Japan made them a line of credit worth $10B. and China which was already supplying oil to Japan repaid that credit with its oil. 日本は資本の必要な中国に一兆二千億円の与信枠を提供した。

China asks Myanmar to "lower temperature" on border
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3b0_fnPxQ  5:15 they were forced to tap their entire line of credit and all their cash reserves before the State would finally pay them as a hardship case.
State Budgets: Day of Reckoning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhmHl7HbGPs  0:58 two-billion-dollar credit line 2400億円の信用枠
Alex Daley on Amazon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_Z8CsN_kho  7:43 we blew our line of credit. せっかくの信用を失った。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgGhfZjAqzA&feature=g-all-u  1:03 the lines of credit are drying up in the Greek economy. ギリシャの与信枠は徐々に小さくなっている。

b-5837 had a credit line with us