the exorcist 1973 Trailer 0;28 a witness, quoted in the New York Post, reported hearing the man, who they say is known to the victim, performing an apparent exorcism on Hines before stabbing her. モーガン・フリーマンさんの孫娘の刺殺犯は孫娘のエディーナ・ハインズさんに悪魔祓いをして、その後、刺殺に及んだと言う。
Morgan Freeman's granddaughter murdered in alleged 'exorcism' 18:07 nine years on, her husband and parents pray with her, as a faith healer attempts to exorcise the demon monster. へザーはやぶ医者から悪霊を追い払う祈祷を受けている。
A Hundred Orgasms A Day My Shocking Story