
cut to the quick 深く傷つける

the quick は 爪の下の生身で深爪をすると痛いあの部分。cut to the quick 生身の部分まで切りつける、人の心を深く傷つけるの意味。0:18 gosh, Bruce, did you hear that? nothing has ever cut me so deeply to the quick. げっ、今の聞いた?これほど傷つけられたことはないよ。

Cut to the Quick

1:19 under the table is where shit gets done. and they're about to find out if you cut a king, you better cut him to the quick. 汚い仕事は闇社会が請け負う。お前がハイテーブルと一戦交えてタマを取れるか、闇は間もなく知ることになるだろう。

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) - Never Cut a King Scene (12/12) | Movieclips

5:43 let's cut to the quick here Michelle, how much if this apartment went on the market tomorrow? 率直に聞くが、明日このマンションを売りに出すとすればいくらになる?cut to the quick = cut to the chase

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0:18 it's tragic. and I think it has cut to the quick of everyone's heart. ロビンの死は悲劇で、ファンの心に深く悲しみを与えてしまったと思う。

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