
ingratiate oneself to 取り入る

ingratiate oneself to, ingratiate oneself with 誰かに取り入る、機嫌をとる、おもねる、へつらう、こびる、、、、9:12 if you're trying to be ingratiating, Mr. Bond. don't bother. 私をおだてたいのなら、やめたほうがいいわ。ボンドさん。

Moonraker (1979) Part 4

1:01 by world leaders and diplomats in order to ingratiate themselves with donald trump. トランプに媚を売る外交官や首脳たちがよく泊まるトランプホテル

Jared & Ivanka Made $640 Million While Working in White House

0:13 and ingratiating herself with trump. トランプのご機嫌取りをするシドニー・パウエル弁護士

Ex-Trump Lawyer Admits Big Lie Was Lie | All In | MSNBC

0;50 FDLE seeking to ingratiate itself to DeSantis フロリダ警察当局はでデサンティス、フロリダ州知事のご機嫌を取ろうとしている。

Fired Florida COVID Data Analyst Sues State Over Armed Raid | The Last Word | MSNBC

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/06/cozy-up-to-someone.html  cozy up to someone 擦り寄る
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/10/in-someones-good-graces.html  in someone's good graces 誰かのお気に入り
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/06/on-good-side-of-someone.html  on the good side of (someone) 好かれる、機嫌をとる
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post_1406.html  機嫌をとるを英語でなんと言うか?

b-2950 ingratiating himself somehow with