
stick nose into something 鼻を突っ込む

stick nose into something, poke nose into something 他人事に口出し、干渉、詮索する。鼻を突っ込む。首を突っ込む。6:26 I know this is none of my business and I'm sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong. これは、お節介で、他人事にちょっかいを出すのは承知しているのだけど、、、

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3:19 can we stick out nose in here and see how you guys are doing? ちょっとお邪魔して、君たちの練習を見せてもらってもいいかい?

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0;48 you know a lot of folks don't appreciate a fellow like you coming up here sticking his nose in places (where) it don't belong. あちこちで色々と嗅ぎ回る野郎は歓迎されないぜ。

Stven Seagal : FIght scene Fire Down Below

10;17 but as far as business is concerned, she has never poke her nose into it until one day, you know, she heard I got involved in Spurs. 不動産ビジネスに関して妻は一切口を出さなかったが、私がトッテナム・ホットスパーの経営に関わったと知ったときには反対したよ。

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http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2022/04/keep-nose-clean.html   keep nose clean トラブルを起こさない

b-5464 sticking its nose