keep nose clean トラブルを起こさない、トラブルに巻き込まれない。
6:06 keep that nose clean. ゴタゴタに首を突っ込むなよ。
The Murderous Mansion | Columbo
0:31 she would have to keep her nose clearn for 36 months. 36ヶ月の保護観察処分とは彼女が36ヶ月間はトラブルを起こさずに行儀よくするということだ。
Lindsay Lohan Takes her Chances in Court
1:17 wolves and livestock don't mix. and it's just, you know, maybe they will keep their nose clean for a short while, but sooner or later, the problem is going to occur. オオカミと家畜は相性がよくないのさ。オオカミはしばらく鳴りを潜めてから、また、家畜を襲うのさ。
Cowboys vs. Gray Wolves: Predator Once Again Prey
0:44 keep your nose clean, follow the rules, be a good earner トラブルを起こさず、仁義を守り、上納金を稼ぎ、、、
Donnie Brasco 1997 Trailer HD | Al Pacino | Johnny Depp
参考リンク 野次馬(やじうま)を英語でなんと言うか? stick nose into something 鼻を突っ込む