
Fair Winds and Following Seas 風と波に恵まれますように

Fair Winds and Following Seas a fair wind がいい風、a following sea が追い波。いい風と追い波に恵まれますように。船乗りと門出にピッタリの言葉だ。 good luck と言うよりも聞こえがいい。51:39 the commander Straub and all those who serve on this fine ship, I wish you fair winds and following seas. 艦長とモンゴメリー号のクルーに、順風と追い波のあらんことを祈っています。

U.S. Navy - USS Montgomery (LCS 8) Full Commissioning Ceremony

0;31 .. and I'm going to use a nautical phrase here for good luck. fair winds and following seas. 今日の天候ですが、海軍用語でグッドラックを意味する、「風と波に恵まれますように」を使います。

Update on progress to save USS The Sullivans

4:04 semper fi, my friend. semper fi, Joe. fair winds and following seas, ooh ra !

Number of Russian senior officers killed ‘unprecedented': Retired Marine officer | NewsNation

b-3938 fair winds and following seas