SOUSA Semper Fidelis - "The President's Own" US Marine Band
0:44 please accept this flag as a token of your son's faithful service to his country. Semper Fidelis. お国のために献身されたご子息への感謝のしるしとしてこの旗をお納めください。常に忠実であれ。
Taking chance funeral US Marines
0:01 the US Marine Corps lives by the motto Semper Fidelis, always faithful. 米海兵隊は「常に忠実であれ」を信条としている。
Photos of female US marines shared on Facebook without consent
0;18 Adeste fideles læti triumphantes, ( O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant )
Adeste Fideles (O come, all ye faithful)
参考リンク Sic semper tyrannis
b-1892 semper fi. my friend. semper fi, joe 注;semper fi = semper fidelis