
not ... any more than .... イルカ構文

not ... any more than .... は亜流の鯨構文と思えばいい。完全な鯨の形ではないので、イルカ構文としておこう。 2:28 look man, I don't like this guy anymore than you do. = you and I both don't like him. おれもあんた同様、こいつが大嫌い。


1;07 he doesn't deserve to be there any more than I do or that you do. = we all don't deserve to be there. 皆さんも、私も、弟のような立場におかれるべきではない。

Give Up Tomorrow - Documentary Trailer - POV 2012 | PBS

5:11 he doesn't know his brother any more than we do. うちら同様にあいつは自分の弟のことをまったく知らない。

Hope Springs | Episode 3 | Part 3

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/08/blog-post_7819.html  鯨構文について