
what did I do to deserve this ? 構文

what did I do to deserve this ? は決まり文句のようなもの。deserve は報われるの意味だが、報いを受ける、と反対の意味でつかわれている。1;49 what did I do to deserve this ? こんな目に遭うようなこと、私がなにかしたの?

My Hardening Skin Is Turning Me Into A Doll | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

1:56 what have I done to deserve such a fate? こんな羽目になるようなことを俺がなにかやったか?

The Beatles - I'm a Loser

11:00 what did I do to deserve this?

WILD CHILD (2008) Extended Opening Sequence - Poppy and Friends

0;55 what did I do to deserve this? 俺が何をしたから、こんな報いを受けるんだ?

FIXED Official Trailer (2018) Comedy Movie HD

0;29 Samantha, what have I done to deserve you ? 妻殿、君(のような素晴らしい女性と)結婚できたのは、僕が何かを達成できたからなのだろうか?

Endora Conjures Up A Car For Darrin | Bewitched

11;22 now, what possibly could I have done to deserve such aggression?

The Incredible Hulk But Only Emil Blonsky/Abomination | The Incredible Hulk 2008

1:06 what did we do to the russians to deserve this? こんな目に遭わせやがって。俺たちがロシア野郎になんかやったかよ!

Live: Zelensky calls for ‘firm global response’ to deadly strike on Kramatorsk train station