
mother's side of the family 母方

mother's side of the family 母方、母系、母方の家系、father's side of the family 父方 4:49 my mother's side of the family, we lived with one of my great aunts, my grandfather's sister. 母方は、伯祖母(祖父の妹)と一緒に住んでいました。

Mamie and Emmett Till’s early years | Let the World See E1 l Part 1

0;10 you are an Italian, aren't you? yes, sir, on both sides. 君はイタリア人だろ。はい、父方、母方ともにイタリア人です。

Columbo - wine novice

2:13 both of my grandfathers died, my mother's side and my father's side. 私は二人の祖父を第二次世界大戦でなくしました。父方の祖父、母方の祖父ともにです。

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4:32 I don't know where you get it. must be from your father. certainly not from my side of the family. あなたの人間好きはどこから来たのやら。あなたの父親から受け継いだのね。断じて、わたしの家系からじゃないわ。

Pilot Episode | I, Darrin, Take This Witch, Samantha | S1E1 | Bewitched

b-3342 on my dad's side