
get on with

get on with は何かを始める、何かをやり続けるという意味です。 0:42 let's get on with this. whatever the fuck this is. さっさとおっぱじめようぜ。テメエらの用をよ。

John Wick - Marcus Death Scene (Full)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTkPtoFMJ0o  1:50 we have to get on with our lives. 生活をやっていかなくてはね。
Practice drills saved lives in Japan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqCFAecC5EM  4:26 so you can get on with your search, baby, and I can get on with mine.
Eagles - Wasted Time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPQSK_7POj8  0:36 we Greeks are confused. we definitely don't want to leave Europe. no Greek wants to leave Europe. however all these measures have brought many people to their knees, who are now saying, 'Let's get on with it'. ユーロを離脱したいギリシャ人なんて一人もいないが、一連の緊縮財政でギリシャ人は参ってしまい、ユーロ離脱をするなら、さっさとやろう、という雰囲気になっている。
Bailout crisis: 'We Greeks are confused':