
lost on me

lost on someone (理解できない、影響されない)という言い方があるが、聞いてわかるだけでなく、いつでも話せるようにしておこう。 2:10 there's also a pretty new multi-tasking view. but why Apple had to change the direction of the way you swipe the cards is completely lost on me. でも、どうしてアップルが(何の不具合も無かった)マルチタスク画面のスワイプ方向を変える必要があったのかは皆目見当がつかない。

iOS 9 Review: Top Features for iPhones and iPads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFxL7tdEl3k  1:30 the National Cancer Institute estimates 2.8 million women in the US are currently living with breast cancer. that statistics is not lost on me. この統計を私は理解している。 
Amy Robach's New Haircut During Chemo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3geszuezIU  0:10 as a teenager, he watched the September 11th attacks. it was not lost on me.あの事件は私の人生に影響を与えた。
Growing number of US soldier suicides

a-8329 not lost on anyone
b-1887 not been lost on russians
b-2109 not lost on me
b-2183 not lost on
b-3473 lost on
b-5006 not lost on