
town crier 町の触れ役

town crier で注意すべきはスペルかもしれません。 dryer は y なのに。0:37 the news of the birth was announced on Twitter. and then the moments later, by a traditional town crier. 第2子の誕生はツイッター上で公開され、程なく触れ役の口からも発表された。

The day a princess was born
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HAY_0LEgYg  0:27 that was Tony Appleton giving his kind of unofficial announcement as a town crier.
Why Is This Guy Always Yelling At Royal Births?

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/08/carnival-barker.html  carnival barker

b-0226 a great town crier