
portion と morsel

分け与えられた食事の量を portion, morsel といいますが、portion のほうは一回の食事分、morsel は一口分とおぼえておけば役に立つでしょう。0:28 the portions are more than generous. ここで出される料理のボリュームは満点だ。

Dining Deal: Rocco Steakhouse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iOxgIWyapo  0:47 but media outlets report the winning bidder, president of a popular sushi chain, is willing to take a pretty big loss and sell it for a more appealing price of up to 389 yen per portion. 築地マグロ初競りの落札者で、すしざんまいの社長はあえて大損をこうむっても、寿司一貫を庶民の手の届く389円以内に抑えると明言した。
Japan Bluefin Tuna Sells for Record $1.76 Million
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htxl-napxe8  1:46 so now smaller plates and take-out containers nudge you to take smaller portions. お皿と持ち帰り容器を小さくしたことで、多めに盛りにくくなった。
The Google Diet: Search Giant's Revamped Eating Habits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAOhSgu1M70  2;13 a little morsel floating around
Running for Road Kill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAOhSgu1M70  0:36 it's easier for it to know that the small morsel will come every day.
How Not To Feed A Crocodile - You Have Been Warned S2 Ep5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DcIaNvAU2o   3:27 portion sizes 一人前のサイズのでかさ
Strange Things That Only Happen In America

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/12/blog-post_12.html  お代わりを英語でなんと言うか?

a-2652 portions
a-2825 in huge portions
a-3008 portion control
a-3033 portioning out
a-4277 giant-sized portions
a-5016 cutting all my portions in half
a-5264 enormous portions
a-5690 every morsel
a-6622 every morsel