
spectre スペクター

specter が米語綴り、spectre は英国式綴り、意味は ghost (亡霊)。 ghost に近いものはこのブログでも扱ってきたので列挙してみると、god, devil, demon, phantom, poltergeist, wraith などがある。1:20 it's name is Spectre. その名は幽霊です。

007 Spectre Official Trailer #2 (2015) Daniel Craig James Bond Movie HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEOyMDnZ5vI  0:17 for 5 years, Greece has been mired in economic crisis, haunted by the spectre of expulsion from the Eurozone. この五年間ギリシャはユーロ離脱の亡霊にさいなまれ、経済危機を味わってきた。
Talk to Al Jazeera In the Field - Greeks: How did we lose our way?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naeOhfkJid8  1:18 we're still living with the specter of atomic weapons. われわれは今日も核兵器の亡霊の取り付かれ生きている。
70 years after Hiroshima, Enola Gay offers lesson in history
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsT1bLR2sfM  0;35 I'm a member of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. SPECTRE? SPECTRE. Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion. 対敵情報、テロ、復讐、強要のための特別機関
Dr. No (6/8) Movie CLIP - A Member of SPECTRE (1962) HD

a-3568 the specter of
a-8327 raising the spectre of a second wave of infections
a-8542 raised the specter of
b-0839 the specter
b-3976 raising the specter of
b-6903 resurrected the ugly spectre of