
all shapes and sizes

come in all shapes and sizes このような組み合わせはいくらでもあるので、all shapes と聞いたら自動的に and sizes と続くように目と耳と頭にしっかりと焼き付けましょう。そのようにして単語、イディオムを増やしていけばリスニングも余裕が出るし、そのぶんだけゆっくりと聞こえるようになる。0:11 here in London, they come in all shapes and sizes. ロンドンの高層ビルは色々な種類がある。

How do sky scrapers work? - Lonely Planet Kids

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFoEBG3drqI  1:01 beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and color. 美しさにはいろいろある。 
Ashley Graham Wants To Walk The Runway at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28i_Pkcgl5w  17:42 旅館 comes in all shapes and sizes.
[Begin Japanology] Season 3 EP31 : Hotels 2010-09-10

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBHMtqcPxxA  0:09 they come in many shapes and sizes.
Portugal eases out of economic crisis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k-13NamGWA  0:30 they come in all shapes and sizes.
Trash to Treasure: Transforming Old Gadgets

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3UWDfNaARI  0:34 people come in all sizes.  
Why Short Men Live Longer!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLTNUcl1cLo  0:02 of all colors and sizes
Preserving Sierra Leone's historical houses

1:33 evil comes in every color. どの人種も悪い奴はいる。

Farmer Who Employed Mollie Tibbetts Suspect Says He Used a Fake Name

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/12/blog-post_14.html  人生いいことばかりじゃないを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4966 come in all shapes and sizes
a-5718 we come in all shapes and sizes