Do Larger Breasts Equal Bigger Tips? | MythBusters 0:01 so don't be bamboozled. don't fall for this notion that somehow the JOBS Act is proposing to raise your taxes. it's just not true. 騙されちゃいけない。JOBS法案の可決は増税を意味するという話に乗っちゃいけない。それは嘘だ。
Obama: Don't let GOP bamboozle you on taxes 1;20 you have prevented me from doing my duty. you have hampered and bamboozled the proper functioning of the Crown. ソールズベリー侯、あなたはチャーチル首相が脳梗塞で倒れたことを私に報告せず、私の公務遂行の邪魔をしました。女王の公務を妨げ、王室を欺いたのです。
The Crown - The Queen yells at Sir Winston Churchill & Lord Salisbury 6:00 if I find somebody who is a charlatan, who's actually a fake, who's actually pretending to be something that he isn't and is particularly bamboozling young people, I think that's probably what makes me angry. 私は滅多なことでは腹を立てないが、人を騙すペテン師には腹が立つ。
Denton meets Dawkins (1/3)
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