
knucklehead 馬鹿者

knucklehead は馬鹿者。0:55 now comes another knucklehead who thinks he's invincible. また一人自分は絶対死にっこないと思い込んでいる大馬鹿者が出てきた。

Heart-Stopping Video Shows Daredevil Cruise Passenger Hanging Off Ship

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt1lhO6xJI8  0:39 he mainly seems to have gotten into this to help his business but since he's a knucklehead and incompetent, he did the exact opposite. ペテン師トランプはブランド商売を推進してきたが、馬鹿だから、まったく逆効果になっている。
Trump's Brand Is In Serious Trouble

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh4WwQrGyM4  0:05 the search is on today for these knuckleheads toppled an iconic rock formation millions of years old.
Men Caught Pushing Ancient Rock Formation Believed To Be Millions of Years Old

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCdvWdcQ0to  0:20 some knuckleheads came in after their peak and paid good money to acquire them. トンチンカンな奴らはピークを過ぎ衰退するIT企業に成長を見込んで大金をつぎ込み買収している。
Can Yahoo really come back?

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/11/20161105.html  私の英語ノート 2016/11/05
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/08/20160801.html  私の英語ノート 2016/08/01

a-7331 knucklehead
a-9211 knuckleheads