
strip of 剥奪する

strip someone of something は誰かから何かを剥奪・没収すると言う意味です。 0:47 I will strip you of all you have. everything. 私はお前たちが持っているものすべてを没収する。ひとつ残らずだ。

I'm ready for endless war - The Young Pope

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm6PUYthy_U  0:10 The King of Spain, Felipe VI, has stripped his sister Princess Cristina of her title of "Duchess of Palma" スペイン王フェリペ6世陛下は姉クリスティナ王女殿下の公爵称号を剥奪した。
Spain's King Felipe VI strips his sister of her title as Duchess of Palma over corruption charges

a-7229 stripped of
a-9599 strip the Georgia's Republican of her committee assignments
b-0706 stripped two Belarusian Olympic officials of their accreditation
b-0821 stripped of
b-1024 stripped of
b-3072 stripping Eva Kaili of
b-4119 being stripped of
b-4533 stripped of