
in all caps すべて大文字で

in all caps, in caps, all caps = in all capital letters. 1:25 he calls it PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT in all caps. トランプはシフ委員長のトランプ疑惑究明委員会を「大統領を脅すものだ」と全部大文字でツイートした。

Trump furious over Adam Schiff hires

0:16 you can tell how excited the future supreme court nominee was. BEACH WEEK in all caps as splashed across his calendar. ビーチウィークと全部大文字でカレンダーに書き込まれた字を見れば、将来の最高裁判事候補がどれほどこのビーチウィークを楽しみにしていたかがよくかる。

Inside Maryland’s ‘Beach Week’ Marked on Brett Kavanaugh’s Calendar

1:44 it's a WALL, all caps, and there's a BIG, all caps, difference!

Jake Tapper fact-checks Trump's border wall claim

0:57 UltimateDuck28 says that “AVATAR IS THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!” he even wrote it in caps!

Internet Buzz - Saturday Night Live

a-6150 in all caps
b-2805 in all caps