
take pity on someone 哀れみをかける

take pity on someone 哀れみをかける、かわいそうに思う、気の毒に思う。0:50 he says he believes the dog is astray. he says he took pity on the dog and stopped to give him some food, and the dog wouldn't leave him alone. 誰かの犬が腹をすかせているのかと思って食べのをやったら、放してくれなくなったのさ。

Dog Is Cared for at California Animal Shelter

0:33 but when rain starts to fall, Larry has home. and since 10 Downing doesn't have a pet door, he has to wait for someone to let him inside. he gets lucky when visitors show up or leave. but on this day, the officer standing watch took pity on this kitty and knocked for him. イギリス首相官邸の猫ラリーは家はあるがそこにはペット用の入り口がない。ラリーが中に入る時には誰かが中に入る時か出てくる時だ。今日は当番の警官がラリーを気の毒に思いドアをノックしてあげた。

Cop Knocks on British Prime Minister's Door to Let Cat in Out of the Rain

0:50 but the judge took pity on Locane. he sentenced her to just 3 years in prison because her youngest daughter was afflicted with Crohn's disease. 女優のアミーロケイン容疑者は自動車事故で人を殺してしまった。彼女は危険運転致死傷罪で求刑10年だったが、裁判官は一番下の三歳児がクローン病を持つロケイン被告をの事情を汲み取り禁固三年の刑を言い渡した。

Was There a ‘Melrose Place’ Curse on the TV Show’s Stars?

2:10 Chloe says he was able to talk her way to freedom. after telling her two abductors that she had a 2-year-old son, apparently she says they took pity on her. she was she was driven to the British Consulate in Milan and was set free. 誘拐されたイギリス人モデルのクロエさんは自分を誘拐した二人の誘拐犯に自分には二歳になる息子がいると嘆願して、二人の同情を買い、ミランの英国領事館まで車で連れられて行きそこで解放されたと話している。

Model Put Up For Sale on Dark Web for $300,000: 'I Would Be Killed If I Escaped'