
pull into the station 駅に到着する

pull into some place , pull in to somewhereは乗り物がどこかに到着すること。1;28 the day that the burns happened, my mother and my nephew went through the drive-thru (drive-through) at McDonald's and got breakfast and coffee. and they pulled into the parking lot. 母が火傷を負った日、母と甥はマクドナルドのドライブスルーでブレックファストとコーヒーを買い、(マクドナルドの)駐車場に車を止めました。注; they pulled (their car) into the parking lot. のこと。駐車場に車を入れた。の意味。

Woman Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee, Then the News Media | Retro Report | The New York Times

2:25 hmm, pulling into Spain. さあ、スペインに到着。

Key & Peele - Continental Breakfast

0:13 just as the train pulls into the station, he suddenly tries to throw himself in its path. 電車が駅に入ってきた時、この男は電車に身を投げようとした。

Cop's Last-Second Grab Saves Man from Speeding Train - Caught on Tape

0:22 Inaya Humphrey was on her way to the hospital with her mother-in-law Tuesday afternoon to give birth but her baby just couldn't wait. her mother-in-law pulled into a McDonald's parking lot nearby and the healthy baby girl made her way into the world before emergency responders arrived. イナヤさんは出産のために義母と病院に向かっていましたが途中で出産が始まったので、マクドナルドの駐車場に車を止めました。緊急隊員たちが駆けつける前に元気な女の子が産まれました。

Good News Oct 5


http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2014/12/blog-post_1.html  車を止めてを英語でなんと言うか?

a-7922 pulling into the New York Harbor
a-9177 a train pulling into the station
b-3208 pulled into this Brooklyn subway station