Sarah Silverman supports Bernie Sanders in Los Angeles
9:27 you know what they say, as American as apple pie, but we've been wrong all along. アップルパイのようにアメリカンだとはよく言うけれど、それは最初からずっと間違いでした。11;46 apple pie was invented around 1675,,,in Great Britain.
Where's That Food From? (GAME)
1:03 what's so interesting to me is that immigration stories for so long are as American as apple pie. バドワイザーのコマーシャルで面白かったのは今までの移民の(成功)物語はアメリカの典型的な文化問題だったことです。
Super Bowl Ads: Walking a Fine Political Line
17:20 how about The National Defense Authorization Act ? boy, that's (as) American as apple pie. Founding Fathers are probably turning in their grave. 国防権限法はどうだ?いかにも(軍産複合体に牛耳られている)アメリカらしいじゃないか!アメリカ合衆国建国の父は草葉の陰で泣いているだろうね。
Gerald Celente - Next News Network, Reality Report - February 7, 2013
a-8965 as American as apple pie
b-6080 more American than apple pie