America's Critical Thinking Crisis
0:20 give me the sort of, the 30,000-foot overview. まず、御高見をお伺いしたい。
Mystery illness made woman psychotic
3;53 you got to get to 30,000 feet on this. まずこの問題は大所高所から考える必要があります。
Fmr. CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin: Russian Operation Most Effective In Decades | MSNBC
参考リンク 鳥瞰(ちょうかん)を英語でなんと言うか? two cents worth, my two centsとは?
b-1177 from a 30,000-foot view
b-1348 from 30,000 feet
b-4958 from a 40,000-foot view
b-5974 pull us back to 30,000 feet