その問題に対する私の意見(=my view)という意味があります。give someone two cents...意見を言う ここで注意したいのはこの言い方は謙譲語です。目上の人に対してyour two cents,,,と言ってはいけません。 give me your two cents worth.(ちょっと知恵を出せよ)とは目下か、それともかなりくだけた仲でないと使えない言い方です。5:57 that's my two cents for today. 以上が私の考えです。
False Hope, False Recovery
1:21 I just kind of want to throw my two cents in back in about ....
2011 Economic Collapse Video Response to G4T w/ Earthway Experience
4:33 anyway that's just my two cents.
Stewart follows RT in O'Reilly debate
2;14 give me a suggestion for my next trip or put in your two cents on the art of traveling. 次の旅のご提案や、旅全般についてのご意見などがありましたらお寄せください。注;くだけた言い方です。
"About Sonia's Travels"
2:52 my two cents; come alone very early or at the end of the day. 私のおすすめは、一人で朝早来るかそれとも一番終わりに来るかのどちらかだ。
Travel United Kingdom: Oxford
1:37 that's my two cents. 以上が私からのアドバイスです。
Travel Tips: Best Outfit when Traveling
a-1580 your two cents worth
a-1785 your two cents
a-5202 give my two cents to
a-6010 give you my two cents
a-6557 his two cents
a-8189 give my two cents
b-0811 give your two cents
b-1909 shared his two cents
b-1923 gave her two cents
b-3054 dropped her two cents on
b-3190 stick my twopence in
b-3664 give my two cents on
b-4795 my two cents
b-5147 my two cents
b-5876 gave his two cents