

whistleblowingです。内部告発者はwhistleblowerです。0:15を聞きましょう。告発が頓挫しなければ結果はcleaning house from top to bottom(1:03)と言うお決まりの茶番になります。密告はtip-offといいます。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc_3JO3Zf0w&feature=g-all-u&context=G203d006FAAAAAAAAAAA 1:20 don't blow the whistle. 内部告発はするな。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5foVNnwymw8&feature=related 1:25 Police were tipped off to the assault and the videos on Sunday, and identified the victim as a homeless man known to live in the township. タレコミが入った
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjOLSgoWcG0&feature=g-all-u  1:03 kind of things that tipped us off 窃盗を感づかせた事
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MymgJ9PZ-w 0:02 Canadian Police have confirmed that the head found in a Montreal park following a tip off,is that of Jin Lin, a male Chinese student who was murdered and then dismembered by his lover Luke Magnotta. 通報

a-9012 received a tip
b-2015 blow the whistle on