18 Feb. Trends Journal: Sanders Has a Shot to Dump Trump!
1:39 does he have a shot at this world record? モーファラーは1時間競走で世界新記録を達成する可能性があるのでしょうか?
Mo Farah's 2020 WORLD RECORD SHOWDOWN || The 1 Hour Run!
16:12 when you take on people who have an enormous amount of power, you do not win on your first shot. 強大な力を持っている敵と勝負する時は、最初の挑戦では勝てない。
US Senator Bernie Sanders on Trump's win, Clinton and economic inequality - BBC HARDtalk (2017)
1:21 careful, you only get one shot at this. チャンスは一度きりだ、慎重にな。
Tony Stark Builds Miniature Arc Reactor (Scene) - Iron Man (2008) - Movie CLIP HD
1:10 despite his current status, experts say Bertone has virtually no shot at becoming pope. ローマ教皇庁の教理省局長の地位にあるベルトーネ枢機卿は、次期ローマ教皇になる見込みはまったくないと専門家は指摘する。
Pope's resignation leaves power vacuum
1:17 and one last shot at the perfect score. 1600点満点への最後のチャンス。
The Perfect Score (2004) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2018/11/take-shot-at-something.html take a shot at something 非難する、試みる
a-8443 does he really have a shot
a-8913 biden would have no shot right now
b-0143 got a shot at
b-0685 has a real shot at
b-2274 have a shot at
b-2327 take a shot at
b-2355 has a real shot at
b-2993 get one shot at this
b-3349 with an outside shot
b-6683 a real shot at