Man Banned from an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet for Eating Too Much!
1:29 you're playing into his hands. あんたはウルフの策略どおりに動かされているだけよ。
Gabe's Arrested - The Fix
0:41 he is a fool who is playing right into the hands of the Do-Nothing-Democrates. 私を罷免する一票と投じたロムニーは民主党の策にはまった馬鹿者だ。
Trump goes after Mitt Romney as impeachment probe intensifies | ABC News
0:41 now his favorite TV show Fox & Friends is warning the president that his strategy is playing right into her hands. トランプの暴露本を出版した元トランプの補佐官のオマロサ・マニゴールトにトランプは容赦ない口撃をしたが、トランプを擁護するフォックステレビはトランプに、トランプが騒げは騒ぐほどオマロサの思う壺だと、注意を喚起した。
Ex-Situation Room Director Baffled Over How Omarosa Recorded Conversation
参考リンク play someone like a fiddle 自在に操る 意のままに操るを英語でなんと言うか?
a-9426 play into the hands of
b-2552 played right into their hands