

0:53 he was only 5 years old when the October 1911 Xinhai Revolution makred the beginning of the end of (2 words). after (5 words), Puyi was (4 words) as Emperor of Manchukuo, a puppet state the Japanese controlled in northeastern China. 1911の辛亥革命で幼帝溥儀は1912年に退位し清王朝が滅ぶ。革命の騒動が収まると、溥儀は中国の北東部に日本が建国した傀儡国家満州国の皇帝として祭り上げられた。注;controlled v controled 似たような例は travelled v traveled, cancelled v canceled が浮かぶ。

Burial Plot of China's Last Emperor Still Holds Allure