
answering machine 留守番電話

answering machine 4:45 thank you for calling my new answering machine. when you hear the beep noise, please speak into the telephone receiver and leave a message which I will play back and listen to later. 新しい留守番電話に電話してくれて有難う。発信音の後に、受話器に向かってお話ください。お話の内容は後で聞いておきます。

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0:28 nothing on the answering machine? 留守番電話に何も入ってないの?

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1:52 and you know the interesting thing about that is when I finally got home, I went in and hit my answering machine and my messages came up and he was calling me back. 面白いのは、やっと家に帰って、部屋に入って、留守番電話を再生したら、ビル・クリントンから電話がかかっていた。

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