(as) blind as a batコウモリのようにめくら。1:48 out of control and blind as a bat. 制御不能で本艦の位置も確認できず。
Star Trek IV The Voyage Home - Part 12
3:00 and that's exactly what I said to Aaron. I said that bitch is blind as a bat. 俺はアーロンにそれとまったく同じ事を言ったよ。あの女はめくらだってね。
The Interview (2014) - The Money Shot Scene (3/10) | Movieclips
8:04 I went to bed on my 50th birthday with 20/20 vision. I woke up the next morning, gone, blind as a bat. 50歳までは視力が両眼1.5だったけれど、50歳を境に視力が落ちてしまったよ。
Scott Pelley: The Most Important, Underreported News Story
b-4759 blind as a bat