
in your hour of need 困った時

in your hour of need 助けが必要な時、困った時。0:34 I have come to you in your hour of need. 困っているから、助けに来ました。

First Lady - SNL

0:39 now in her hour of need, Diana would shock everybody by turning to the most unlikely of allies. ダイアナ妃は助けが必要な時、スペンサー伯爵夫人に頼り、周囲を驚かせた。

Diana Finds an Unlikely Ally After Her Split from Prince Charles

5:09 Chinese regime's overtures to help European countries is part of its plan to weaken the EU, to make individual countries turn not to each other but to Chinea in their hour of need. 中国がヨーロッパ各国に個別に歩み寄りを見せるのはヨーロッパ連合の弱体化をねらい、ヨーロッパ諸国が困った時お互いを助け合うのではなく、中国を頼りにして欲しいからだ。

China Is Using the Coronavirus to Split Europe

0:45 and in my hour of darkness, she's standing right in front of me. 困った時、聖母マリアは私の前にお姿を現される。

The Beatles - Let It Be (Official Music Video)

b-1363 in her hour of need
b-4792 in its hour of need