
what does it say to you? それがあなたにどんな意味がありますか?

what does it say to you? = what does it mean to you? 41:21 what does 'donald trump' say to you? success.「ドナルド・トランプ」の名前はどんな意味ですか?成功ね。

Donald Trump All American Billionaire

1:42 what does that say to you? it says to me. it's murder. 娘さんに20箇所の刺し傷があったことは、どんな意味ですか?それは殺人と言う意味だよ。

Was Teacher Murdered or Did She Take Her Life?

1:58 what does this really say about the man? ガラクタを宝石と偽って人の結婚祝いに平気でプレゼントする、、、この事実は、この男がどんな人間なのかについて何かを示唆しないだろうか?

Donald Trump Gave Charlie Sheen Fake Platinum Cufflinks - The Graham Norton Show

4:34 I came to you. what does that tell you? 俺は(どこにも逃げずに)兄さんのところに来ただろう。これにどんな意味があるかわかるかい?(俺は人を殺しちゃいない)

Steve Zahn As Monk’s Half-Brother | Monk

b-1388 what does that tell us
b-1921 what does it say to you