
reside 住む

reside  場所、家に住む。reside は residence, residency 系の 「住む」で、live は life, living 系の 「住む」。0;47 the Queen will remain at Winsor Castle where she's resided since the pandemic began.

UK - coronavirus: Queen Elizabeth tests positive for Covid-19 • FRANCE 24 English

1:10 we're in brooksville where I currently reside and spent a good portion of my childhood.

Daughter details childhood with fugitive mom who later confessed to murder | 20/20

1:57 male, Caucasian, residing 11 Hightower road 男性、白人、ハイタワーロード11番地在住。

The Quickest Way Down | Columbo

2:17 sensei Seagal had mastered a secret style of jujutsu while residing in Japan. スティーヴン・セガール先生は日本にいたときに合気道をマスターされた。

I Spent 24 Hours With Steven Seagal

b-2387 resides in