until you're blue in the face 顔が真っ青になるまで(何度でも繰り返す)。7;50 bad news, Secretary Blinken, we're already in a cold war. and you can say that the US isn't looking to block china until you're blue in the face. ブリンケン長官、米中はすでに冷戦状態に入っています。無駄だとわかるまで、アメリカは中国の邪魔をしないと言い続けてください。
Biden’s Dangerous Mistake on China
3:22 and I can say this until I'm blue in the face. 疲れてヘトヘトになるまで何度でも言いますよ。
Fox News host DISMANTLES Jared Kushner live on air
8:28 any distraction could come up when youre' shooting video, but make sure that you've practiced, you've rehearsed, you've talked about it until you're blue in the face,,,,, 動画の撮影中に色々な邪魔が入るかもしれないが、ちゃんと話す内容を何度も練習し、リハーサルを重ね、疲れるまで何度も何度もリピートしていたなら、、、、(どんな邪魔が入ってもあなたの口から言いたいことが正確に口をついて出てくるようになるでしょう。)
How to Make People Fall In Love With You on Camera
b-3237 until we're blue in the face
b-4004 until you're blue in the face
b-4826 until you're blue in the face
b-5138 until it's blue in the face
b-6636 till we're blue in the face
b-6943 until we're blue in the face