
a man is judged by the company he keeps

a man is judged by the company he keeps 付き合う仲間を見れば、その人がわかるものだ。 · 人は付き合っている人間でわかる。1:27 you're judged by the company you keep. 朱に交われば赤くなる、、

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0;03 the old saying goes that you're known by the compnay you keep. 付き合う仲間を見れば、そいつの性(しょう)がわかるといわれている。

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1:12 your parents know the kind of company you're keeping? お前がどんな奴らと一緒か、お前の親は知っているのか?

Jason Statham vs Car Thieves in the movie The Transporter 2 (2005)

1:53 you look great, Nicky. you didn't look this good when we were married. it's probably the company I was keeping. ニック、結婚している時あんたはこんなに楽しそうじゃなかったわ。たぶん、一緒にいた女房のせいさ。

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http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/09/keep-someone-company.html   keep someone company

b-2877 the friends you keep say a lot about you
b-3511 you're judged by the company you keep