Woman Gives Birth Alone in Jail Cell
YouTube(ユーチューブ)で英語を楽しく学習し母国語と同じプロセスで習得できるブログです。このブログを毎日読んで聞いていればアメリカやイギリスで20年生活する以上の知識と英語力が身につき品のある英語が話せるようになります。毎日続けることが大切です。単語・イディオムを増やしていけば、ラジオ、テレビ、映画の英語が嘘のように全部聞き取れるようになり、英書がすらすら読めるようになります。基本文例500と少なくとも英単語20000とイディオム2000を目指してください。左コラムの検索枠にキーワードを打ち込むと過去の記事を探せます。現在約32300の記事を収録しています。本ブログは全てがオリジナルですが、引用については私はなんら文句を言うつもりはないので教材として活用してください。きっと最高の結果が出るでしょう。ご意見などがありましたら「ブログについて」と明記の上unotoru@gmail.comにお寄せください。ブルースカイで逐次最新英語情報を発信しています。ハンドルは @unotoru.bsky.socialです。
Robert Downey Jr. Reveals Why He Left The MCU When He Did
swipe = steal
Alleged Thief Leaves Child at Store After Swiping Stroller: Cops
1:51 and Texas authorities say the suspect swiped those gifts in just about 2 minutes after arriving. このご祝儀泥棒は会場についてから二分あまりでご祝儀をかっさらったとテキサス警察は発表した。
Police ask for public's help to find repeat wedding crasher | ABC News
0:21 Rebecca Katz, yep that's her real last name, admits to swiping the kitty named Tigger from her employer. but she says it was for the cat's own good. キャットさん、そう彼女の名前もネコのキャットです、は雇い主のキャットをねこばばしたことを認めています。そしてそれはそのネコを安楽死させないために必要なことだったと主張しています。
Ex-Nanny Faces Charges for Allegedly Stealing Family Cat
1:31 authorities say the masked intruder broke into a bar in Denmark and swiped the world's most expensive bottle of vodka, valued at more than a million dollars.
The Strangest Things People Have Allegedly Tried to Steal
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2022/11/pinch-steal.html pinch = steal
a-7019 swiped
a-7358 swiped her bag
b-4101 swiped
b-4367 swiped
Spanish City Turns Red for Tomato-Throwing Event La Tomatina
How Texas woman survived 5 days stranded in Ariz. desert
from above 天上から
God Save the Phone Box
0:55 Ragland's family says getting the video back was bittersweet but they are taking it as a sign from above. 死んだ息子のビデオが帰ってくるのは嬉しいようで悲しい。しかしラグランドさん一家はこれを天の啓示ととらえている。
Drowning Victim's Family Reacts to Last GoPro Video of Him
0:04 humankind evolves. it's how we survive, through Ice Ages, plagues, wars, disasters from above. 天災
LOST IN SPACE Trailer #1 NEW (2018) Netflix Sci-Fi Series HD
0:44 they drag booms across the bogs and then pull them tight, creating stunning patterns and shapes from above. 水に浮いたクランベリーはブームで手繰り寄せられ、上空から見て目を見張るようなパターンや形を描き出す。
The Stunning Way Cranberries Are Harvested
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_8638.html 鶴の一声を英語でなんと言うか?tsuru no hitokoe
Watch Bernie Sanders' punch backfire
Flipped (2010) Official Trailer - Madeline Carroll, Callan McAuliffe Movie
Staten Island Becoming A Travel Destination?
upwards of 以上の
Attorney General Bill Barr reportedly spends $30K on Trump hotel holiday party
3:55 a cutting-edge bionic arm like Angel's can cost upwards of £20,000. エンジェル・ジェフリアさんの使っているような最先端のバイオニックアームは2万ポンド以上もする。
Beyond bionics: how the future of prosthetics is redefining humanity
1:16 modern flight data recorders cost upwards of $15,000 each. ブラックボックス、正式名称は「フライトデータレコーダー」はひとつが一万五千ドル以上もします。
How Black Boxes Are Made | How Do They Do It?
2:25 Oribe also offers a fully stocked bunker costing upwards of $200,000. 織部精機製作所は20万ドル以上する非常用備蓄品を完備した地下シェルターも販売している。
How Japan Is Preparing For North Korean Threats (HBO)
a-7438 upwards of
a-8688 cost upwards of £20,000
b-0887 upwards of
Star Trek Into Darkness - Khan Takes Over Vengeance / Khan vs Spock Battle of Wits
必須英単語 gnat
Can Donald Trump nuke a hurricane?
1:43 that's sort of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. トランプの支持者たちはトランプの女の性器をつかんでもいい発言を容認するんだから、トランプにセクハラ被害を受けた女性が13人出てきたところで結果は目に見えている。イエスの偽善論のようなもので、大きな罪には目をつぶって細かいことをぐちゃぐちゃ言っているだけですよ。
Is Stormy Daniels more media savvy than Trump?
2:17 did it affect the tilt? no, on that level, it's like a gnat flying into the buttocks of an elephant. 隕石の衝突は地球の自転軸に影響を与えましたか?いいえ、そのレベルはゾウのお尻にブヨが突っ込んだくらいの衝撃しか与えませんでした。
Touching a Meteor | StarTalk
Why the Bone-In Tomahawk Is the Best Cut of Steak — Prime Time
More Than 20 Alleged Jeffrey Epstein Victims Stand Together
What Happened When We Tested Bulletproof Backpacks
side hustle 副業
Living On $50K A Year In Brooklyn | Millennial Money
1:21 I wanna find out did Idris Elba do Bar Mitzvah too? he DJs. he DJs quite regularly. that's one of his side hustles. イドリス・エルバは結婚式のほかにバル・ミツヴァーでも活躍しますか?彼は役者が本業だけど副業にDJをするんですよ。ディスクジョッキーは彼の副業の一つです。
New details on Harry, Meghan's private wedding reception
0:50 you might be able to pick up an extra job or create some sort of side hustle that will bring in extra money using skill sets you're not using during the week at your current job. あなたの懐状況を改善するために、アルバイトをしてみたり、あるいはふだん仕事で使っていない才能を生かして実入りのある副業を始めたりすることが出来ます。
2 Easiest Ways To Improve Your Finances, According To A Certified Financial Planner
4:37 Claire's reality is that her main job isn't enough to make ends meet. so she also works at a yoga studio and house-sits. I joke with my friends all the time about the millennial side hustle, like we all have different side hustles that we do to get money on the side in different areas and that gig life that people are living now. クレアさんは本職から得られる収入ではやっていけないのでヨガのスタジオで働いたり、誰かの家の留守番をしたりして副収入を得ています。わたしはよく友達と「ミレニアム世代の副業」について冗談を言い合います。半端仕事がはびこる現代社会で、わたしたちミレニアム世代は誰もがバイトの形で副収入を得ています。
Is a University Degree a Waste of Money?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2010/06/blog-post_8502.html 副職(副業)をするを英語でなんと言うか?
a-8021 my hustle
b-0080 a side hustle
b-4494 side hustles
Samsung Galaxy Note 10: But Why Tho?
必須英単語 unload
Thieves Pose as Customers Before Robbing Diamond Store
私の英語ノート 2019/08/27
Harvey Weinstein due in court to face new allegations | ABC News
every time Trump opens his mouth, he lies. 構文
Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh: 'I'm going to run for president'
2:44 I wouldn't bother to serve him anything. every time he opens his mouth, a complaint comes out. こんな奴なんかに何も出さなくていい。口を開けば文句ばかり。
Hope Springs | Episode 3 | Part 3
6:08 this guy lies every time he opens his mouth.ロバート・ダーストは口を開けば嘘をつく。
Robert Durst's Alleged Trail of Crimes
4:41 he doesn't know the first thing about fighting terrorism. and his ideas, every time he opens his mouth about his ideas, show that he doesn't. トランプはテロとの戦いについて何も知らない。奴は何か言うたびに自分の無知をさらけだしている。
Evan McMullin: Donald Trump’s Intel Briefing Threat To National Security | MSNBC
b-3675 every time he opens his mouth, every single time
Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh: 'I'm going to run for president'
私の英語ノート 2019/08/26
I don't see anyone carrying the voice of reason mantle right now': Cindy McCain
またまたトイレの話になるが、じゃらんなどで宿を探していると、ウォッシュレットではなくシャワートイレとなっている。水の出てくる向きが逆のような言い方だが、わからないでもない。それはそうと、アメリカの金持ちはウォッシュレットを知らなかったようだ。最近の超豪華マンションにはウォッシュレットがつくようになった。4:19 Mike I want to show you something we've never seen. and something that we probably could never think of. look at this. マイク、こんなの見たこと無いだろう。こんなの考え付きもしなかったよな。見てみろよ。$7000どるのTOTOネオレストだ。注;アメリカで売られているウォッシュレットはかなりの高額設定た。多分便器そのものが大きくて頑丈に出来ているのだろうと思う。
INSIDE a $56 Million Bel Air MEGA MANSION
a-6856 her captain
UK Prime Minister embarrasses Trump at G7 summit
必須英単語 perpendicular
Why Riding a Jet Ski Can Be Dangerous
1:19 if you do end up getting caught in a rip current. stay clam and swim parallel to the shore. rip currents come perpendicular to the shore. 離岸流に流された時には、落ち着いて海岸線に平行になるように泳ぎましょう。離岸流は海岸線に対して直角(垂直)に流れてくるからです。
40 Strangers Form Chain to Rescue Swimmers on Lake Michigan
Trader Joe's Staff Stop Toddler Mid-Meltdown by Dancing
frame of reference 判断の基準
INSIDE a $56 Million Bel Air MEGA MANSION
4:17 this person's frame of reference is very narrow. 私たちを批判する人の判断基準は非常に狭いと思う。
I’m Not Her Mother, I’m Her Lover | LOVE DON'T JUDGE
0:44 and just because your fame of reference may not include a black young woman as a legislator doesn't mean that I'm not. 自分の判断基準の中に若い黒人の代議士がいないからといって、私が代議士でないと言うことにはならない。
Black lawmaker told she doesn't look like legislator
1:41 I just had no frame of reference of how bad it was of what he was doing. スポーツドクターが私に性的ないたずらをしていた頃、わたしは幼くて、それがどのような悪さだったのかという判断基準を持っていなかった。
Nassar victim: 'Everything I was afraid of was true.'
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2017/06/frame-of-mind.html frame of mind 気持ち
Emma Roberts Has Guilty Pleasures, Too | Under the Covers
Letters To Juliet (2010) Official Trailer - Amanda Seyfried, Gael García Bernal Movie HD
the best of both worlds 好いとこ取り
Avengers Meets Professor Hulk Scene - AVENGERS 4 ENDGAME (2019) Movie CLIP HD
4:26 personally I really enjoy the footprint of the smaller Note 10, it is the most accessible note device ever so you can have the best of both worlds. 私は、ギャラクシーノート10の小さいほうがいいと思う。小さな筐体に従来のスクリーンとノートの利便性、まさに好いとこ取りだ。
Top 5 Galaxy Note 10 COMPLAINTS
5;27 I mean it's the best of both worlds. 俺の作ったこの曲はサイプレス・ヒルとディレクターに認めてもらい、映画の中で使われることになったのさ。好いとこ取りさ。
Idris Elba dishes on the action-packed 'Hobbs & Shaw' l GMA
2:00 so it's like the best of both worlds. ここの店の肉は但馬牛とブラックアンガスの交配種のものを使っている。和牛の霜降りとアンガスの赤身の調和がとてもいい。両方の牛の好いとこ取りといえる。
American Wagyu Beef in NYC’s Most Secret Restaurant — Prime Time
a-7077 the best of both worlds
a-9238 the best of both worlds
b-1148 the best of both worlds
b-3439 the best of both worlds
Munchies Throwbacks: Chef's Night Out with Michael White
必須英単語 last
GMA' Host Laughs at Prince George Taking Ballet
1:05 but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. 物事が普遍だから、うまくいっているのではない。諸行無常でない世の中には意味が無い。
Avengers: Age of Ultron - Vision Kills Ultron - Full HD
4:53 living in a new world, how you're gonna last? ロボットの世界で、人間はいつまで持つのだろうか?
Queen - The Works - 05 - Machines (Or 'Back To Humans')
1:47 I can take all the madness the world has to give, but I won't last a day without you. どんな試練にもたえられるけど、あなたなしでは一日ももたない。
The CARPENTERS -" I Won't Last A Day Without You " REMASTERED HQ
The Titanic Is Being Eaten by Bacteria
George Takei on how his childhood imprisonment affected his activism today | Nightline
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 構文
Ralph Wald, acquitted of murdering wife's lover, plans to work on marriage
2:03 don't forget the lesson of Anthony Weiner: security is only as good as the person on the other end of the phone. 下半身写真で失脚したアンソニー・ウィーナー元議員の教訓を忘れてはいけません。いくら強固なセキュリティーでも写真を送った相手がそれをばらしてしまえば一巻の終わりなのです。
Securing Your Cell Phone | Molly Wood | The New York Times
1:34 the world's largest economy is only as good as its financial health. 世界最大のアメリカの経済はその財務状況に左右されるのです。
Economist Calls Obama Budget Commendable, Unrealistic
22:54 it was clear that in this role, an enforcer is only as good as his last fight. アイスホッケーの「エンフォーサー」と呼ばれるケンカ屋は最後の試合で記憶される。
Punched Out: The Rise and Fall of Derek Boogaard [Full Version] | The New York Times
1;08 you may be 88 but as they say, you're only as old as you feel. 歳というのは気持ちの問題さ。
The Joe Pesci Show: Jim Carrey annoys Jimmy Stewart - Saturday Night Live
a-6839 democracy is only as strong as the people who take part in it
b-5707 a ship is only as good as the engineer who takes care of her
Taylor Swift says she plans to re-record her previous next work next year I Nightline
South Korea scraps pact with Japan, moves closer to US | DW News
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Review
Friends Vow to Keep Ole Miss College Student’s Memory Alive
Angelina Jolie Tries Not to Cry While Dropping Son Maddox Off at College
b-0602 Yonsei's Severance hospital 延世大学、セブランス病院の、、、
私の英語ノート 2019/08/23
Inside a $29M NYC Townhouse with a $10K Toilet | On the Market | Architectural Digest
日本では、施工も含めて30万あれば十分に買えるウォシュレットだが、30億円の物件の売りのひとつがたった一台のウォシュレットとは! 日本の二階建てには二台のウォシュレットがある。
ちなみにニューヨークの22億円の物件のトイレがこちら、2:36 の映像。あと8億だせばウォシュレットが手に入る。
Inside a $20 Million NYC Apartment | ABC News
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-post_5518.html 日本のトイレ
These People Fought Back Against Would-Be Alleged Thieves
rot in hell 地獄で朽ち果てろ
Australia's Cardinal Pell loses child sex abuse appeal
0:59黄色の蛍光紙に ROT IN HELL と書かれている。
Protesters' fury as Cecil the lion's killer Walter Palmer returns to work
1:56 新聞の見出し he must rot in jail
What The Pistorius Case Reveals About South Africa | TIME
4:40 they wanted to see him rot in a jail cell.獄中自殺を遂げたエプスタインの被害者たちは奴が一生牢獄に繋がれることを望んでいた。
Questions swirl after accused sex trafficker died by suicide in his jail cell
3:38 that piece of shit, may he rot in hell. 俺の妹を姪二人を殺したブタ野郎には終身刑を。
Father charged in deaths of wife, daughters
1:19 you are a sorry excuse of a man. I hope you go to jail and rot in hell. あんたのような男の風上にも置けないような人間はさっさと刑務所に行って野垂れ死ねばいい。
The Horrific Vacation Mel B Took With Nanny Who Allegedly Had Affair With Ex
a-8099 rots in hell
Greenland row: Donald Trump attacks 'nasty' Danish PM
私の英語ノート 2019/08/22
Trump LOSES IT on Denmark’s Prime Minister in rant over Greenland
Hidden Details of The Plaza Hotel, From Lobby to Penthouse | Architectural Digest
Memorial Boardwalk Benches Falling Into Disrepair In Long Island Community
500-Year-Old Mummy of Little Girl Goes Home
fall into disrepair 壊れて修復が必要な状態になる
Buying Memory Lane
0:10 there was a time that Manila was known as the Paris of Asia. that was nearly a century ago. and of the few old grand structures that remain are in disrepair, but this building in the heart of old Manila is getting a new lease of life. そして現存するいくつかの古きよき時代のビルは営繕が必要な状態にある。このビルは旧マニラの中心にあり、新たな息吹を吹き込まれている。
Growing movement in the Philippines to preserve heritage
6:22 because entry to the island was forbidden for decades, they have fallen into disrepair. 島への立ち入りは何十年も禁止されていたので、島は荒れ放題になっていた。
BEGIN Japanology - Remote Islands
0:32 their main school building has fallen into such disrepair, they've had to board it up and move classes out of the classrooms. 本校舎は修繕の見込みが無いほどガタが来たので、教室外で授業をすることとなった。
The Final Touchdown
0;15 meaning trains were used less and less. eventually the railbeds and tracks fell into disrepair. 自動車網の発達により鉄道は次第に使われなくなり、軌条やルールは使用不可能な状態に陥ってしまった。
The Environmental Challenges Faced by Ecuador’s Train System
a-6830 in disrepair
a-6831 in a state of disrepair
a-6978 in a good state of repair = in good working condition
a-7290 in disrepair
b-2442 fell in disrepair
b-5102 in great disrepair
b-5868 in disrepair
b-6086 fell into disrepair
Kindle Oasis 3 (2019) Review
High school drama teacher meets anonymous kidney donor
A vaccine against cancer? These dogs are the first patients
what's afoot ?
How the Trump administration is giving industry more voice in shaping science
0:25 but something strange is afoot. because there has never been an ad for GOOD BOYS at that bus stop. しかし何かが不自然なことが起こっています。後ろのバス停の看板にGOOD BOYS の広告が貼られたことはなかったからです。
Pic of Ghislaine Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger May Be Fake
4:34 meanwhile outside a coffee shop in Dallas, another signal change is afoot. 共和党の牙城のテキサス州で民主党の若手議員が優勢に立っている。ダラスのコーヒーショップの駐車場では共和党の本丸を揺さぶるような変化が起きている。若者が政治に興味を持ち始めたのだ。
Battleground Texas: Could a Democrat really beat Ted Cruz? | Dispatch
0:01 but it looks like there's a movement afoot to get him out. レックス・ティラーソンは今日はまだ国務長官だが、「ティラーソン降ろし」ははじまっているようだ。
Trump Replacing Tillerson With Someone Much Worse...
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/11/blog-post_512.html 進行中を英語でなんと言うか?
b-0401 afoot
b-1541 strange thing's afoot
b-3531 afoot
b-4516 afoot
b-5367 afoot
Falsely Accused: How Former High School Athlete Got His Life Back
Hacks to avoid a bad airport at at MSP
必須英単語 end cap
14-Year-Old Makes $2.2 Million Running Her Own Candy Empire
a photo of her 彼女の写っている写真
Is Etan Patz the Most Famous Missing Child of All Time?
7:37 can I take a photo of you? 君の写真を一枚撮ってもいいかい?
Inside Brazil's Model Factory
1:01 it was the first time and that the only time that we've ever seen a photograph of us at Woodstock.ウッドストックでの私たちが写った写真は後にも先にもこれ一枚だけだったよ。
Woodstock Couple Find 1st Photo Together 50 Years Later
1:35 these tourists from Norway were dismayed when they realized he had taken pictures of them. ノルウェーから来たこの二人の女性観光客は知らない間に自分たちのビキニ姿の写真が撮られていたことに驚いた。
Are You Being Secretly Recorded on the Beach?
0:34 Savannah's parents pleaded for her to return home as they held photos of her in their hands.
14-Year-Old Savannah Pruitt Found Safe
a-6955 take a picture of you
a-7334 photo of a group
a-7729 video of her unexpected vocals
a-8304 a picture of my mom
a-8662 one of earliest pictures I've ever seen of him
b-0116 photo of himself
b-0247 a photo (in his office) of
b-0652 this painting of you
b-1137 memory of you
b-3516 photos of him
b-4980 take a picture of you
b-5615 the only pitucre Jeannie has of them
b-5651 some heartbreaking video of a boy
9-year-old bitten by shark in knee-deep water l ABC News
Hong Kong: March of the umbrellas
Hong Kong protest continues, regardless of weather conditions
私の英語ノート 2019/08/19
Agnetha / Frida after ABBA (1999)
0:23 now they're available and together for one specially priced compilation. レイパーカー全集は特別価格でご奉仕中!
It Turns Out the “Ghostbusters” Guy Has a Lot More Songs - Key & Peele
0:59 it's a compilation that took you 10 years. この「英語の中のフランス語」をまとめ上げるのに10年かかったのですね。
How Anglophones speak French without knowing it
a-7309 a compilation of
Inside Ted Kennedy’s Final Days
Inside Ted Kennedy’s Final Days
gulf 大きな隔たり
Protests in Hong Kong hits its 11th week
0:12 the gulf between the two is seriously wide. 政治家クリントンとチンドン屋トランプの違いは比べ物にならないほど大きい。
How Fair Coverage Gets Trumped | All In | MSNBC
9:42 back then some Japanese watches had an error of 3 minutes per day. there was a huge gulf in quality from the Swiss watches which were accurate to tenths of a second per day. その頃の日本の腕時計は一日三分の誤差があり、一日にコンマ数秒しか狂わないスイス製腕時計との間には雲泥の差があった。
BEGIN Japanology - Watches and Clocks
0:15 a big factor was neither side wanting to tell the other exactly where its forces were, reflecting a huge gulf between Washington and Islamabad. パキスタンで起きた友軍の誤射による事故で、調査に当たった空軍大将は当事者であるアメリカ軍とパキスタン軍は事故当時、お互いの正確な軍隊の位置情報を提供し合わなかったことがこの事故の要因であると証言した。アメリカとパキスタンの信頼関係の大きな隔たりが表に出た形となった。
Pentagon Concedes Mistakes in Pakistani Deaths
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2014/02/chasm-schism.html chasm と schism
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/02/yawning-gap.html yawning gap 大きな隔たり
a-6872 the gulf between two sides
a-9720 that much of a gulf between
Protests in Hong Kong hits its 11th week
Protests in Hong Kong hits its 11th week
Lisa Guerrero Reveals Talent for Writing Country Music
work up the courage 勇気をふり絞る
Meet The Woman Who Learned That Her Mother Passed As White | Megyn Kelly TODAY 1:51 six-year-old Chesney has already said she wants to shorten her mane by as much as 10 inches but hasn't plucked up the courage just yet. 六歳のチェズニーちゃんは髪の毛を25センチくらい切りたいとは言うが、本当に切る心の準備はまだ出来ていない。
The Rapunzel Family
0;41 although he's very shy and reserved, he nevertheless plucked up the courage to speak to her. 引っ込み思案でシャイな彼だが、 勇気を奮い起こして彼女に話しかけてみた。
‘Queen and Country’ | Anatomy of a Scene | The New York Times
51:5 ... but Jordyn was adamant she didn't want to go to police and her silence lasted for 4 years until she says she finally worked up the courage to go to the authorities. コーチに性的暴行を受けたと従姉妹に打ち明けたジョーディンちゃんは警察に行くことを薦められたが四年間かたくなに拒んできた。しかし、ついに 勇気をふり絞って警察に相談することにした。
Woman Says She Was 13 When Sexually Assaulted by Acting Coach
1:28 she worked up the courage to confront the man. 彼女は腹をくくって、自分が太っていることを馬鹿にした横の席に座っている男性に向き合って咎(とが)めることにした。
Plus-size model speaks out after confronting body-shamer on a flight
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/03/yuuki-wo-dasu-furuitasu.html 勇気を出すを英語でなんと言うか?
Peter Fonda dead at 79
私の英語ノート 2019/08/17
Rick and Parliament Reno
Giving away a dumpster bike to a little kid
Plane Passenger Beat Ground Control at Rock-Paper-Scissors
Boy Gets to Work at Target on 5th Birthday
Harry Markopolos explains fraud accusations against GE
coming in hot
Outbreak (1995) - Helicopter Chase Scene (5/6) | Movieclips
0;14 nearly anywhere you go inside the Moreland family home, you're bound to find little Brody coming in hot. モーランドさんの家のどこに行っても、小さなブローディー君が元気一杯突っ込んでくる。
Family makes life better for their young son and more children
0:37 they're coming in hot, any second. what's the play? 奴らはすぐに俺たちをぶっ殺しに来るぜ。どんな作戦を取る?
Iron Man and War Machine vs. Hammer Drones - Iron Man 2
a-6816 coming in hot. coming in hot
a-8700 coming in hot
b-0560 torpedoes are hot
b-3522 coming in hot
b-3554 hot
b-5904 pickle is hot
b-6443 coming in hot
3 Days In New York With The Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus!
Russian airplane captain safely emergency lands plane after bird collision | DW News
私の英語ノート 2019/08/16-a
Here’s How Hot It Is Inside a Mail Truck
0:44 that's had temperature plunging to near zero Celsius that's 32 Fahrenheit.この雪は東京に張り出した寒冷前線によるもので、気温は0℃(華氏32ºF)近くまで冷え込んだ。
First November snow in Tokyo for 54 years
b-3068 minus 6 Celsius
私の英語ノート 2019/08/16
The Voices Behind Your Favorite Cartoons
1:08 mischiveous 誤
The Life and Sad Ending of Elizabeth Montgomery
2:07 mischievous 正
Jenna Bush Hager's Journey From The White House To TODAY Show Host | TODAY
0:04 mischiveous 大誤
Couple Whose Dog Fell Through Sunroof Gets Car Damage Bill
a-8076 mischiveous 誤
a-9167 mischievous 正
a-9921 mischievous 正
b-1257 mischievous
Do Broken Bones in Jeffrey Epstein's Neck Suggest Foul Play?
catapult カタパルト
ENG Aircraft carrier catapult
0:55 ... that BTS's loyal fans known as army are likely to catapult this video into the stratosphere. 軍隊と呼ばれるBTSマニアたちはJ-Hopeのこの動画を大拡散させるだろう、と専門家は指摘する。
K-Pop Star J-Hope of BTS Does 'Shiggy Challenge' Outside Moving Car
1:17 his first book 'Kitchen Confidential' catapulted him to fame in the year 2000. 自殺したアンソニー・ボーデインさんは2000年に高級レストランの裏側を暴露した「キッチン・コンフィデンシャル」を出版し、一躍有名になった。
Shock, Sadness After Anthony Bourdain's Death
1:20 she says the procedure catapulted her career. 二重まぶたの整形後、ジュリー チェンさんのキャリアは劇的な進歩を遂げたという。
Julie Chen Admits to Secret Plastic Surgery to Change 'Asian Eye' Shape
0:09 enter Stephen Colbert, whose mastery of art of making us laugh about heavy matters has pole-vaulted him to the top of Late Night TV.スティーヴン・コルベアさんの紹介です。彼は政治関係の暗い話題を明るい笑いに変えてしまう才能でナイトショーコメディー界の覇者となりました。注;pole vault 棒高跳び、動詞になると跳躍する、飛躍するの意味になる。
Colbert doesn't want Trump back on his show 'for safety's sake'
私がすすめる医学英語 2019/08/16
The vaccine fight: a mother’s battle to protect her daughter in California
The vaccine fight: a mother’s battle to protect her daughter in California
Trump says economy is 'strong' amid Dow plunge | ABC News
注;太字の部分が重要。demand の後は動詞の原型が来る。
必須英単語 proselytize
Colbert doesn't want Trump back on his show 'for safety's sake'
Weaponology - "Artillery of World War II"
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