

hit a snag にその意味があります。0:43 but the project hit a snag even before it officially took off. 築地の移転計画はプロジェクトが動き出す前に暗礁に乗り上げてしまった

The stimulus Japan struggles to spend
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyCUrkPXcks  2:38 it hit a little snag when they found out it wasn't legally possible to bring in that many Chinese immigrants and still be profitable with current immigration laws. ミシガン州に中華人民都市を造る構想は、移民法的な問題のためにご破算となった
China Uncensored - America Is Up For Sale! - China Uncensored - NTDonChina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JkQ7eU4n28   39:43 but along their own tracks, they hit a snag. 自社の路線上で、(遺跡群にぶつかってしまうという)想定外の問題に直面してしまった。 Discovery Channel ★ MegaStructures UK Super Train ★ National Geographic Documentary

a-6862 hit a sang
a-9413 hit a snag
a-9554 hitting some serious snags
b-5067 hitting production snags
b-6388 hit just a little bit of a snag