Feathers fly over Thailand's lucrative cockfighting pits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-WUDDQuug8 0;l0 each day this week, two of our six finalists will be pitted against each other. 今週は毎日、最後まで勝ち残った六匹のワンちゃんのうちの二匹を戦わせます。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PInUmVXp5jk 0;57 the CRA snitch line, just another way the Government of Canada is helping to pit Canadians against each other. 連邦税務局のタレこみ電話はカナダ政府による仲間割れの助長工作です。
a-3138 pits you and Jony against each other
a-3413 pits one bull against another
a-4900 pitting Taylor Swift against a radio DJ
b-0536 pitting Turkey's president against Istanbul's mayor
b-2753 pits a top-down-attack against a bottom-up-response
b-6180 pitted complete strangers against each other