47;40 it's now one for the record books. スーパージャンボの処女飛行成功は快挙達成だ。 37:04 at 7 am Felix The Conqueror emerged, he took a cool backward flip off the tallest bridge in the world and entered the record books. 偉業を成し遂げた。 1:06 saluted and he just jumped right into the record books. 敬礼の後、前人未到の記録に向かってジャンプした。注;世界一高い橋から飛び降りたFelix The Conqueror(征服屋のフェリックス)と同一人物です。 3:43 his season last year with the New York Mets was one for the books. メッツのディッキー投手の去年の成績は野球史に残るものだった。
a-3010 one for the books
a-6067 one for the history books
a-6852 one for the books
a-7841 one for the record books
a-8641 one for the books
a-9193 a scene for the record books
b-1187 one for the books
b-1374 one for the history books
b-4723 for the books