0:00 Wall Street is facing a financial bloodbath with critical losses in reaction to the US credit-rating downgrade. 米国債の格下げに伴い米国金融界は経済危機に直面している。 1:10 tomorrow is going to be a bloodbath. 明日、株式市場は大幅に値を下げる悲惨な一日となるだろう。 5:25 when the Christians captured Jerusalem, there was a bloodbath. the knights were wading knee-deep in ,, the horses were knee-deep in blood. 十字軍がエルサレムを奪還したときは血の雨が降った。騎士たちは膝まで、、馬も膝まで血につかっていた。
a-2378 a bloodbath
a-4331 a political bloodbath
a-4464 bloodbath
a-5446 bloodbath
a-6566 it was a bloodbath
a-6796 it was a bloodbath
a-8268 a bloodbath for the economy
b-2292 a bloodbath
b-5461 bloodbath