
let's get to it.

じゃ、はじめましょう。に相当する言い方は色々ある。0;41 if you do like scary movies, I have the list for you. a fully Canadian list. so let's get to it.

Halloween movie night
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD5oS7eIDrY  1:46 alright, let's get to it. じゃ最新のアップル情報を紹介しましょう。
The new 12-inch MacBook is in the wild
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnFBGxP793I  0:31 you don't want to miss a moment. so let's get to it. ギリシャの話題について、乗り遅れたくないでしょ。早速、はじめましょうね。
[295] Greece is the perfect example of debt deflation

a-6804 let's get straight to it