
if you were to

if you were to は一応仮定法です。文法用語などは何の役にも立たないが、if you were to は死んでも忘れてはいけない。if I were to, if we were to も同じ用法。 2:35 if you were to ask me, Patrick, who's your favorite Japanese actress of all time, I could answer that in a heartbeat. もし誰かが、歴代の日本の女優さんで誰が一番好きかいと、聞いてきたら即答できるね。

My Farewell to Setsuko Hara (原節子)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVPh-S2eh8  1:18 if you were to toss a normal coin three times in a row, there are eight different possible combinations of heads and tails you can get up. このコインを三回続けてふったら、全部で八通りの可能な組み合わせがある。
Heads or Tails - How To Win The Lottery
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9_smUdMqI4  0:54 if I were to quit then, I'm gonna quit again. あそこで挫折していたら、これからも挫折を繰り返すことになる。
Michael Chang vs. Ivan Lendl: 25 Years After French Open Battle | The New York Times
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igoW7FFhJG8  0:53 what would happen if we were to water-cool it? ただでさえ、すごいこの iphone 6S を水冷にしたら、一体どのようなすごいパフォーマンスを見せてくれるのか? 
Water Cooling the iPhone 6S! And other flagship phones

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/10/if-i-were-you.html  if I were you