

何とかの(最新)事情に通じていると言いたい時には have your finger on the pulse のような言い方をします。1:06 so I have my finger on the pulse of gun owners in New Hampshire and elsewhere in the country. 自分は銃器の競りもやっているのでここニューハンプシャーや全米の銃器に対する関心の高さを熟知しています。

Donald Trump: We Already Have ‘Tremendous Regulations’ On Guns | TODAY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GP87dgTqF8  3:42 one of the things I really like about speaking at live events is the chance to interact with people and to sort of get my finger on the pulse of what they are thinking. 講演会のいいところは人とじかに話し合えることで、皆が何を考えているのかをじかに肌で感じることができること。 
Rollercoaster Crash: Top 4 Reasons For Deflation - Hidden Secrets Of Money 6 (Mike Maloney)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Moi-Dsc0FA  0:35 I believe that the President Obama has his finger on the pulse of this nation.
Cosby accuser on President Obama's remarks

a-5304 have his fingers on the pulse of
a-8159 with his finger on the pulse
a-9784 with their finger on the pulse
b-2737 had her finger on the pulse of her people