
make history 歴史を作る

長嶋茂雄巨人軍終身名誉監督といえばメークドラマ(和製英語)、ドンマイで有名だが、きょうはメークヒストリーを学習。0:01 history has been made. we are living in the age of the re-usable space rocket.

CNET Update - Bezos' Blue Origin makes historic rocket landing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9-hn6uGNt8  0:12 this was the moment history was made.
New Horizons spacecraft makes historic flyby of Pluto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aipeqreLXOo  0:40 yes this is the first time. we're making history. 工場内にカメラを入れるのは初めてです。歴史的瞬間です。
McDonalds: Behind the Scenes of the Menu | Good Morning America | ABC News

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/04/history-in-making.html  history in the making

b-0430 made history
b-1075 made history