
take out 殺す

take out には誰かを殺すと言う意味もあります。0:35 You two are going to be in a room alone with Kim, and the CIA would love it if you could take him out. Hm? take him out. for coffee? dinner. for kimchi? no, TAKE HIM OUT. you want us to kill the leader of North Korea? yes! あんたら二人は金正恩と三人っきりになれるから、CIAは金正恩を消してくれれば恩に着る。北朝鮮の首領を暗殺しろってのかい?そう。

The Interview Final Trailer - Meet Kim Jong-Un
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grvMP-Ld1tQ  0:29 all there is about two feet from taking me out. 命を持っていかれるまであと60センチだったよ。
Video shows man 'cheating death' at work...again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHUfOWrA45A  0:32 you have to take out their families. テロリストの家族を始末しなければならない。
Trump: 'You have to take out' terrorists' ... テロリストの家族も抹殺しなければ

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/01/blog-post_5023.html  当たるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-2896 take him out
a-3282 takes out
a-3774 take him out
a-4391 take out
a-7795 take out
b-2101 getting taken out
b-2532 take you out
b-4255 taken out