
feel strongly か feel strong か?

feel strong, feel weak は体力、気力について、feel strongly, feel bad は感情について。0:48 now, you know that wasn't our deal. well, if you feel that strongly about it. then we'll yank the kids out of the camp and we'll send them back to their foster homes. all 200 of them. 約束が違うぞ。納得がいかないなら、子供たちをキャンプ場から引きずり出して孤児院にでも送り返せばいい。200人全員をな。

Ocean's Thirteen (6/6) Movie CLIP - Terry On Oprah (2007) HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY0msByvtlo  2:00 so I feel really strongly about it. 自分にも難民たちと似たような過去があるので、この問題が他人事だとはおもえない。 Pallot Shares Her Family's Migrant Past
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omRVdSq5E_k  3:25 it's not that I'm feeling bad about it. そのことについて気を悪くしているわけじゃないけど、、、
Hillary Funny

6:18 and do people feel strongly against it? anybody? そして、学校で教師に銃の携帯を許可する案に反対の人は?

Trump turns to survivors for ways to end school violence

a-6838 feel very passionately about
b-3202 feel so strongly about