From Fleece Jackets to Your Food: The Scary Journey of Microplastics 0:48 he takes sample from the remaining fuselage, and back in the lab, discovers something barely visible to the naked eye. ワイルディー調査官は機体の一部を持ち帰り、研究室で肉眼では発見しにくい証拠を見つけた。
How a Minor Detail Caused This Plane's Roof to Detach 0:34 while the 6s might look the same to the naked eye, it's grown a little since last year. iPhone 6s は iPhone 6 と比べて肉眼で見た限りは同じに見えるが、iPhone 6 よりもやや大きくなった。
iPhone 6S Teardown Review
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